Assoziierte Forschungsgruppe Ori



  • The endosomal transcriptional regulator RNF11 integrates degradation and transport of EGFR.
    Scharaw S, Iskar M, Ori A, Boncompain G, Laketa V, Poser I, Lundberg E, Perez F, Beck M, Bork P, Pepperkok R
    J Cell Biol 2016, 215(4), 543-58 published during change of institution
  • Cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CAS) is linked to integrin β1 and required for tumor cell migration and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
    Winkler J, Roessler S, Sticht C, DiGuilio AL, Drucker E, Holzer K, Eiteneuer E, Herpel E, Breuhahn K, Gretz N, Schirmacher P, Ori A, Singer S
    Oncotarget 2016, 7(16), 22883-92


  • Integrated Transcriptome and Proteome Analyses Reveal Organ-Specific Proteome Deterioration in Old Rats
    Ori* A, Toyama* BH, Harris MS, Bock T, Iskar M, Bork P, Ingolia NT, Hetzer MW, Beck M
    Cell Syst 2015, 1(3), 224–237 * equal contribution, published during change of institution
  • Characterization and quantification of proteins secreted by single human embryos prior to implantation.
    Poli* M, Ori* A, Child T, Jaroudi S, Spath K, Beck M, Wells D
    EMBO Mol Med 2015, 7(11), 1465-79 * equal contribution, published during change of institution