Forschungsgruppe Ori



  • Spatial tissue proteomics quantifies inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Buczak* K, Ori* A, Kirkpatrick JM, Holzer K, Dauch D, Roessler S, Endris V, Lasitschka F, Parca L, Schmidt A, Zender L, Schirmacher P, Krijgsveld J, Singer** S, Beck** M
    Mol Cell Proteomics 2018, 17(4), 810-25 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Author Correction: TRPS1 shapes YAP/TEAD-dependent transcription in breast cancer cells.
    Elster D, Tollot M, Schlegelmilch K, Ori A, Rosenwald A, Sahai E, von Eyss B
    Nat Commun 2018, 9(1), 3781 Erratum for Nat Commun. 2018 volume 9 page 3115
  • TRPS1 shapes YAP/TEAD-dependent transcription in breast cancer cells.
    Elster* D, Tollot* M, Schlegelmilch K, Ori A, Rosenwald A, Sahai E, von Eyss B
    Nat Commun 2018, 9(1), 3115 * equal contribution
  • Cellular and epigenetic drivers of stem cell ageing.
    Ermolaeva** M, Neri** F, Ori** A, Rudolph** KL
    Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2018, 19(9), 594-610 ** co-corresponding authors
  • Species comparison of liver proteomes reveals links to naked mole-rat longevity and human aging.
    Heinze* I, Bens* M, Calzia* E, Holtze S, Dakhovnik O, Sahm A, Kirkpatrick JM, Szafranski K, Romanov N, Sama SN, Holzer K, Singer S, Ermolaeva M, Platzer** M, Hildebrandt** T, Ori** A
    BMC Biol 2018, 16(1), 82 * equal contribution, ** co-senior authors
  • Quantifying compartment-associated variations of protein abundance in proteomics data.
    Parca L, Beck M, Bork P, Ori A
    Mol Syst Biol 2018, 14(7), e8131
  • NUFIP1 is a ribosome receptor for starvation-induced ribophagy.
    Wyant* GA, Abu-Remaileh* M, Frenkel EM, Laqtom NN, Dharamdasani V, Lewis CA, Chan SH, Heinze I, Ori** A, Sabatini** DM
    Science 2018, 360(6390), 751-8 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors


  • What have we learned on aging from omics studies?
    Cellerino A, Ori A
    Semin Cell Dev Biol 2017, 70, 177-89
  • Architecture of the yeast Elongator complex.
    Dauden MI, Kosinski J, Kolaj-Robin O, Desfosses A, Ori A, Faux C, Hoffmann NA, Onuma OF, Breunig KD, Beck M, Sachse C, Séraphin B, Glatt S, Müller CW
    EMBO Rep 2017, 18(2), 264-79
  • Proteomic Analysis Reveals GMP Synthetase as p53 Repression Target in Liver Cancer.
    Holzer K, Drucker E, Roessler S, Dauch D, Heinzmann F, Waldburger N, Eiteneuer EM, Herpel E, Breuhahn K, Zender L, Schirmacher P, Ori A, Singer S
    Am J Pathol 2017, 187(2), 228-35