Ehemalige Forschungsgruppe Wang



  • Tmem30a is essential for the membrane raft assembly and EpoR signal transduction in erythropoiesis
    Yang F
    Dissertation 2019, Jena, Germany


  • Tuberous sclerosis complex is required for tumor maintenance in MYC-driven Burkitt's lymphoma.
    Hartleben G, Müller C, Krämer A, Schimmel H, Zidek LM, Dornblut C, Winkler R, Eichwald S, Kortman G, Kosan C, Kluiver J, Petersen I, van den Berg A, Wang ZQ, Calkhoven CF
    EMBO J 2018, 37(21), e98589
  • Candida albicans β-Glucan Differentiates Human Monocytes Into a Specific Subset of Macrophages.
    Leonhardt J, Große S, Marx C, Siwczak F, Stengel S, Bruns T, Bauer R, Kiehntopf M, Williams DL, Wang ZQ, Mosig AS, Weis S, Bauer M, Heller R
    Front Immunol 2018, 9, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02818
  • Cystatin A suppresses tumor cell growth through inhibiting epithelial to mesenchymal transition in human lung cancer.
    Ma Y, Chen Y, Li Y, Grün K, Berndt A, Zhou Z, Petersen I
    Oncotarget 2018, 9(18), 14084-98
  • DNA-Damage-Induced Hormetic Responses
    Mägdefrau AS, Ludwig K, Weigel C, Köse N, Guerra GM, Dakhovnik A, Kosan C
    In: The Science of Hormesis in Health and Longevity, Chapter 13 (edited by Suresh ISR, Marios K) 2018, 149-159, Academic Press, London
  • The sirtuin 1/2 inhibitor tenovin-1 induces a nonlinear apoptosis-inducing factor-dependent cell death in a p53 null Ewing's sarcoma cell line.
    Marx C, Marx-Blümel L, Lindig N, Thierbach R, Hoelzer D, Becker S, Wittig S, Lehmann R, Slevogt H, Heinzel T, Wang ZQ, Beck JF, Sonnemann J
    Invest New Drugs 2018, 36(3), 396-406
  • Reduced expression of C/EBPβ-LIP extends health- and lifespan in mice.
    Müller* C, Zidek* LM, Ackermann T, de Jong T, Liu P, Kliche V, Zaini MA, Kortman G, Harkema L, Verbeek DS, Tuckermann JP, von Maltzahn J, de Bruin A, Guryev V, Wang ZQ, Calkhoven CF
    Elife 2018, 7, e34985 * equal contribution
  • LSD1 (KDM1A)-independent effects of the LSD1 inhibitor SP2509 in cancer cells.
    Sonnemann J, Zimmermann M, Marx C, Ebert F, Becker S, Lauterjung ML, Beck JF
    Br J Haematol 2018, 183(4), 494-7


  • XRCC1 mutation is associated with PARP1 hyperactivation and cerebellar ataxia.
    Hoch NC, Hanzlikova H, Rulten SL, Tétreault M, Komulainen E, Ju L, Hornyak P, Zeng Z, Gittens W, Rey SA, Staras K, Mancini GMS, McKinnon PJ, Wang ZQ, Wagner JD, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Yoon G, Caldecott KW
    Nature 2017, 541(7635), 87-91
  • PARP1 controls KLF4-mediated telomerase expression in stem cells and cancer cells.
    Hsieh MH, Chen YT, Chen YT, Lee YH, Lu J, Chien CL, Chen HF, Ho HN, Yu CJ, Wang ZQ, Teng SC
    Nucleic Acids Res 2017, 45(18), 10492-503