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  • Aggregates of nonmuscular myosin IIA in erythrocytes associate with GATA1- and GFI1B-related thrombocytopenia.
    Zaninetti C, Rivera J, Vater L, Ohlenforst S, Leinøe E, Böckelmann D, Freson K, Thiele T, Makhloufi H, Rath M, Eberl W, Wolff M, Freyer C, Wesche J, Zieger B, Felbor U, Heidel FH, Greinacher A
    J Thromb Haemost 2024, 22(4), 1179-86
  • Immunofluorescence microscopy on the blood smear identifies patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms.
    Zaninetti C, Vater L, Kaderali L, Crodel CC, Schnöder TM, Fuhrmann J, Swensson L, Wesche J, Freyer C, Greinacher A, Heidel FH
    Leukemia 2024 (epub ahead of print)
  • Diversity of Picorna-Like Viruses in the Teltow Canal, Berlin, Germany.
    Zell R, Groth M, Selinka L, Selinka HC
    Viruses 2024, 16(7)