Farewell Colloquium Prof. Frank Grosse


Date/Datum: 07.06.2018
Time/Zeit: 14:00

Place: Nucleus, large seminar room, new lab building, Ground floor (invited guests)
Host: FLI



14:00 Welcome by the Directors

14:10 Greetings by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Heinzel on behalf of the FSU, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics & Centre of Molecular Biomedicine

14:20 Dr. Prasun Chakraborty, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
(former Ph.D. student)
DHX9 plays an important role in R-loop biology

14:45 Prof. Dr. Lisa Wiesmüller, Ulm University, Germany
(former colleague and long-standing cooperation partner)
From brainstorming to data: p53 regulates DNA recombination and replication

15:10 Dr. Heiko Maacke
(former colleague at Heinrich Pette Institute Hamburg)
Darth Vader, the princess and biochemistry

15:35 Prof. Dr. Heinz-Peter Nasheuer, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
(former Ph.D. student and research associate)
Mechanisms and regulation of mammalian DNA replication

16:00 Greeting words by Prof. em. Dr. Siegmund Reißmann, and others

16:15 Farewell words by Prof. em. Dr. Frank Große

16:30 Conclusion by the Directors


17:00 Barbeque together with the staff of the FLI