Joined Cancer Symposium

Events Meetings

At the invitation of the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany, Prof. Ronald A. DePinho from the Department of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA, will attend the joint symposium in Jena on May 27th 2024 and will give a lecture entitled “Genetics and Biology of Pancreas Cancer, and its Cure”.

We warmly invite you to this public symposium and Prof. DePinho’s lecture.

Speaker:   Prof. Ronald A. DePinho,
Department of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Title:„Genetics and Biology of Pancreas Cancer, and its Cure“
 Introduction by Dr. Björn von Eyss
Date:May 27, 2024 at 5 pm
Place:Seminar room „Nucleus“, FLI 1
Beutenbergstraße 11, Jena
Hosts:Dr. Björn von Eyss, Prof. K. Lenhard Rudolph (FLI) & Prof. Andreas Hochhaus (UKJ)

Life and Work

  • Medical degree with distinction from Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1983
  • Professor in 1988 at Albert Einstein College
  • Tenured Professorship at Harvard Medical School / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (1998–2011), founding director of the Belfer Institute for Applied Cancer Science
  • since 2011 Professor of Tumor Biology at the University of Texas / MD Anderson Cancer Center, President from 2011 to 2017
  • pioneered genetic mouse models to study cancer
  • numerous fundamental discoveries on tumor biology (some with implication for aging or degenerative diseases)
  • p53 acts as a tumor suppressor by activating apoptosis during faulty cell cycles
  • identified in vivo role of INK4a/ARF is a genuine tumor suppressor
  • connections of ARF with the p53 pathway and its role in protecting against environmental carcinogens
  • telomere dysfunction as a cause of aging and carcinogenesis
  • paved the way for the use of telomerase inhibitors as cancer drugs
  • established tumor maintenance models

DePinho has an h-index of 188, is founder of various pharmaceutical companies, and will be included in Tek-Wan-Do Hall of Fame in summer 2024.

For further information on Prof. DePinho, please go to:
Ronald A. DePinho | MD Anderson Cancer Center