Biochemie-Projekt Pospiech (bis 2023)
- Molekularbiologische Beschreibung des Alterungsprozesses
Diekmann S, Grosse F, Hemmerich P, Pospiech H
In: Handbuch Alter und Altern, J.B. Metzler (edited by Fuchs M) 2021, 145–151, Springer, Heidelberg
- Multiple biochemical properties of the p53 molecule contribute to activation of polymerase iota-dependent DNA damage tolerance.
Biber S, Pospiech H, Gottifredi V, Wiesmüller L
Nucleic Acids Res 2020, 48(21), 12188-203
- In vivo Study of Human DHX9 Helicase Functions
Dissertation 2019, Jena, Germany - BRCA1 mislocalization leads to aberrant DNA damage response in heterozygous ABRAXAS1 mutation carrier cells.
Bose M, Sachsenweger J, Laurila N, Parplys AC, Willmann J, Jungwirth J, Groth M, Rapakko K, Nieminen P, Friedl TWP, Heiserich L, Meyer F, Tuppurainen H, Peltoketo H, Nevanlinna H, Pylkäs K, Borgmann K, Wiesmüller L, Winqvist** R, Pospiech** H
Hum Mol Genet 2019, 28(24), 4148-60 ** co-corresponding authors - Local inhibition of rRNA transcription without nucleolar segregation after targeted ion irradiation of the nucleolus.
Siebenwirth C, Greubel C, Drexler GA, Reindl J, Walsh DWM, Schwarz B, Sammer M, Baur I, Pospiech H, Schmid TE, Dollinger G, Friedl AA
J Cell Sci 2019, 132(19), jcs232181