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  • The origin of the European avian-like swine influenza viruses.
    Krumbholz A, Lange J, Sauerbrei A, Groth M, Platzer M, Kanrai P, Pleschka S, Scholtissek C, Büttner M, Dürrwald R, Zell R
    J Gen Virol 2014, 95(Pt11), 2372-6
  • Structure and biomedical applications of amyloid oligomer nanoparticles.
    Kumar* ST, Meinhardt* J, Fuchs AK, Aumüller T, Leppert J, Büchele B, Knüpfer U, Ramachandran R, Yadav JK, Prell E, Morgado I, Ohlenschläger O, Horn U, Simmet T, Görlach** M, Fändrich** M
    ACS NANO 2014, 8(11), 11042-52 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors
  • Virus isolate from carp: genetic characterisation reveals a novel picornavirus with two aphthovirus 2A-like sequences.
    Lange J, Groth M, Fichtner D, Granzow H, Keller B, Walther M, Platzer M, Sauerbrei A, Zell R
    J Gen Virol 2014, 95, 80-90
  • Circulation of classical swine influenza virus in Europe between the wars?
    Lange J, Groth M, Kanrai P, Pleschka S, Scholtissek C, Dürrwald R, Platzer M, Sauerbrei A, Zell R
    Arch Virol 2014, 159(6), 1467-73
  • Enhanced Telomere Rejuvenation in Pluripotent Cells Reprogrammed via Nuclear Transfer Relative to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
    Le R, Kou Z, Jiang Y, Li M, Huang B, Liu W, Li H, Kou X, He W, Rudolph KL, Ju Z, Gao S
    Cell Stem Cell 2014, 14(1), 27-39
  • Suppression of the DHX9 helicase induces premature senescence in human diploid fibroblasts in a p53-dependent manner.
    Lee T, Di Paola D, Malina A, Mills JR, Kreps A, Grosse F, Tang H, Zannis-Hadjopoulos M, Larsson O, Pelletier J
    J Biol Chem 2014, 289(33), 22798-814
  • Mutations in SPRTN cause early onset hepatocellular carcinoma, genomic instability and progeroid features.
    Lessel D, Vaz B, Halder S, Lockhart PJ, Marinovic-Terzic I, Lopez-Mosqueda J, Philipp M, Sim JCH, Smith KR, Oehler J, Cabrera E, Freire R, Pope K, Nahid A, Norris F, Leventer RJ, Delatycki MB, Barbi G, von Ameln S, Högel J, Degoricija M, Fertig R, Burkhalter MD, Hofmann K, Thiele H, Altmüller J, Nürnberg G, Nürnberg P, Bahlo M, Martin GM, Aalfs CM, Oshima J, Terzic J, Amor DJ, Dikic I, Ramadan K, Kubisch C
    Nat Genet 2014, 11, 1239-44
  • Caspase-3 and Caspase-6 cleave STAT1 in leukemic cells.
    Licht* V, Noack* K, Schlott B, Förster M, Schlenker Y, Licht A, Krämer OH, Heinzel T
    Oncotarget 2014, 5(8), 2305-17 * equal contribution
  • CD44 controls gene expression levels via two independent molecular actions
    Lindner C
    Dissertation 2014, Jena, Germany
  • p21 promotes sustained liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis in chronic cholestatic liver injury.
    Marhenke S, Buitrago-Molina LE, Endig J, Orlik J, Schweitzer N, Klett S, Longerich T, Geffers R, Sánchez Muñoz A, Dorrell C, Katz SF, Lechel A, Weng H, Krech T, Lehmann U, Dooley S, Rudolph KL, Manns MP, Vogel A
    Gut 2014, 63(9), 1501-12