

Khusru Asadullah - Vice President, Head of Global Biomarker Bayer Pharma AG Global Drug Discovery - Clinical Pharmacology
Datum: 22.09.2011
Zeit: 15:00…

Lijian Hui - Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai, China

Susanne Mandrup - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Southern Denmark
Datum: 15.08.2011
Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Peter Baumann - Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Stowers Institute for Medical Research Kansas City, USA
Datum: 19.07.2011
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Roland Piekorz - Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Datum: 07.07.2011
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Karl Ulrich Mayer - President of the Leibniz Association
Datum: 01.07.2011
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Carmen Villmann - Institut für Biochemie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Datum: 30.06.2011
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Thomas Ried - Section of Cancer Genomics Genetics Branch/CCR/NCI/NIH, Bethesda, MD
Datum: 30.06.2011
Zeit: 17:00 Uhr

Jan Vijg - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Genetics, Bronx, New York
Datum: 27.06.2011
Zeit: 13:00 Uhr

Karl Lenhard Rudolph - Institute of Molecular Medicine and Max-Planck-Research Group on Stem Cell Aging University of Ulm
Datum: 17.06.2011
Zeit: 13:00…