When Family Members Need Help:
Career & Caregiving at FLI
The demographic change will challenge society and economy likewise. With the increasing attainable age, also the number of dependent elderly suffering from age-related diseases or dysfunctions will grow. With its act on family care time and its nursing law, the German legislature has created framework conditions that will allow career and caregiving to be compatible. But it’s also in the responsibility of companies and non-profit organizations to support their employees in case of a need for caregiving.
At the FLI, we support our employees by providing them with work conditions allowing caregiving leaves, by offering workshops on this topic, delivering information material on the legal conditions and establishing contact to information centers nearby. A care package is available at the personnel department or the equal opportunities commissioner including information brochures for both, employees and employers, and compiling all relevant information at a glance.

Kerstin Wagner
Equal Opportunities Commissioner
+49 3641 65-6378

Clara Correia-Melo
Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner
+49 3641 65-6323

Sonja Schätzlein
Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner
+49 3641 65-6836
Nicole Wolf
Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner
+49 3641 65-6401