Catalyst for Research: The Administration at FLI

Over the last ten years, the FLI has undergone a rapid development. The number of staff members doubled; the Institute’s official language is now English; the proportion of foreign staff members has grown to 25% at present and useable space has increased from 4,500 to 9,000 sqm through the addition of a new building.
All of this represents continuing challenges for the FLI administration. This means that also in the future, huge efforts will have to be made to meet the new requirements going forward.
Elements that are important to the internal operations of the FLI include transparency of administrative processes, simplicity of administrative requests, emphasis on providing advice to junior scientists as well as care and attention in dealing with questions of compensation, occupational safety and the building’s organization. The administration’s legal expertise helps negotiate contracts for collaborative efforts with partner organizations, as an example.
All of this requires enthusiastic and innovative administrative staff in several areas.

Anne Seidlein
Personal Assistant Admin. Director
+49 3641 65-6316
The HR Department coordinates and implements all measures of personnel planning, recruiting and development. This also includes the compilation of staff contracts, consulting of leading managers and employees as well as personnel resources controlling.
Head of HR Department: Diana Kirchhof,

Main duty of FLI's Financial Department are all processes of external accounting, be it financial bookkeeping, internal auditing or fixed asset accounting. Further, it helps in planning and maintaining third-party funding projects. The Financial Department verifies the accordance of FLI’s financial processes to the financial regulations of the State Thuringia (Landeshaushaltsordnung), to its sponsor’s administrative guidelines and to the legal requirements following HGB, UStG, EStG. It advices the FLI Board on liquidity planning and management, the compilation of program budgets as well as on the preparation of annual financial statements and proofs of use.
Head of Financial Department: Benita Rost,

The Purchase Department’s main duty is the coordination of a resource-saving procurement of scientifically relevant goods and services in accordance to the Thüringen Procurement Law (Thüringer Vergabegesetz - ThürVgG). It supports FLI's scientific staff writing service descriptions and compiles tender documents and writes public allocations in a revision-proof manner. In addition, the Purchase Department is in charge of all matters with regard to public allocations.
Head of Purchase Department: Antje Gerbet,
FLI‘s Controlling Department is in charge of the strategic, medium-term financial planning and controlling. Further, the FLI controlling assists the board in an advisory capacity with regard to financially relevant decision finding and coordinates the business management reporting within and outside of the FLI.
FLI's In-house Counsel is the key contact for all legal issues. He advices the FLI Board and develops, negotiates and controls legal agreements. Furthermore, he is in charge of developing and updating FLI orders and guidelines. In any legal dispute, he represents FLI in court.
In-house Counsel: RA Peter Schuhmann,

At the FLI, an IT Service Group is in charge of equipping all employees with the necessary information and telecommunication infrastructure and serves as internal IT service provider.
Head of IT Infrastructure: N.N.,
The core task of the Department Facility and Building Management is the management and technical operation of the buildings, including supply and disposal as well as cleaning and maintenance. It is also responsible for property management and repair and maintenance management for technical facilities and laboratory equipment. The division is responsible for the entire life cycle of buildings and facilities, from planning, furnishing, use, conversion to demolition. Furthermore, the department is responsible for the optimization of property use and services.
Head of Facility and Building Management: Dr. Christian Graudenz,

The Communications Department is responsible for FLI's presentation towards the scientific community and for all measures of public relations aiming at enhancing FLI’s image, both nationally and internationally. It assists the board in an advisory capacity with regard to communicative issues and coordinates measures of internal and external communications. Moreover, the Communications Department supports FLI scientists in spreading their research results and is in charge of defining and implementing consistent corporate design guidelines.