Introducing the FLI
Information in easy language - here in
.What you can find on our website, we explain in easy language - here in

1. What is the FLI?
2. Who works at the FLI?
3. Why are we studying aging?
4. What is a Leibniz Institute?
5. Who gives money to the FLI?

1. What is the FLI?
The FLI is a Research Institute in Jena.
A research institute is where people study things.
The Institute is in a place
with a lot of other research institutes.
That place is called the Beutenberg Campus.
Our full name is:
Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute.
The short way to say this is: FLI.
The FLI was started in 1992.
The FLI is a member of the Leibniz Association.

At the FLI a lot of people work:
- researchers from all over the world,
- people who know a lot about computers and technology,
- people who know a lot about animals,
- people who manage everything.
About 350 people from 40 countries work at the FLI.
There are a lot of research groups.
The researchers all speak English together.
Our researchers work as teachers at the university.
And we want to train good new researchers.
We have our own graduate school for this.
We train young researchers there ourselves.

2. Who does research at the FLI?
The researchers at the FLI are called Aging Researchers.
These specialists know a lot about
biology, chemistry, medicine, and computers.
The specialists study:
Why do people and animals age (get older)?
Sie wollen wissen:
Was passiert dabei im Körper?
They want to understand:
Why do old people get sick more often than young people?
The researchers also work on animals.
These animals are worms, mice, and fish.

3. Why are we studying aging?
All people and animals age.
Old people get sick more often.
But we want to change this:
Old people should stay healthy when they age.
With our research, we want to help old people stay healthy.
But aging is very difficult to understand.

The researchers want to know:
- How do diseases start?
- How do diseases develop?
- How does the human immune system work?
The immune system is part of your body
that helps you fight diseases.
To understand this, the researchers have to keep learning and studying.

There are still not very many medicines for a lot of diseases.
We want to change this.
For this, we are working with a lot of researchers.
We work together with these organizations in Jena:
- with the Friedrich Schiller University,
- with the Jena University Hospital,
- with other Leibniz Institutes.
The FLI also works together with research groups in other countries.
We work together on a lot of research projects.

4. What is a Leibniz Institute?
The FLI is a Leibniz Institute. There are a lot of Leibniz Institutes.
All of the Leibniz Institutes do research.
All of the Leibniz Institutes are members of the Leibniz Association.
This is a group where a lot of important research institutes work together.
You can learn more about the Leibniz Association here:
Remember: The website is not in easy language.

5. Who gives money to the FLI?
The FLI needs money for its research.
The FLI gets the money from the German national
government and from theGerman state of Thuringia.
The national government gives half of the money.
And the state of Thuringia gives the other half of the money.
The FLI also gets money from other organizations.
That money is then for specific projects.
The money for projects comes from:
- the German Research Foundation,
- the European Union,
- the Leibniz Association,
- foundations.
But the FLI only gets money if it does good work.
So the Leibniz Association checks the FLI’s research
to make sure it does a good job.
This check happens once every 7 years.

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstraße 11
07745 Jena
The original text (in German) was translated into Easy Language by the publisher.
Only the original text was tested by the Büro für Leichte Sprache in CJD Erfurt.
Große Ackerhofsgasse 15
99084 Erfurt
Internet: www.büro-fü
The images were drawn:
- by the Büro für Leichte Sprache in CJD Erfurt
- by © Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung
Bremen e.V., Illustrator Stefan Albers, Atelier Fleetinsel, 2013.