From Research to Application: Technology Transfer at FLI
It's crucial for the German research infrastructure to transfer new technologies, methods and intellectual property from research to application and commercial utilization. The revenues generated in this way may subsequently finance further research projects. Moreover, as an institute primarily funded by the federal and state government, our whole research and work should eventually be utilized for the benefit of the public.
At FLI, we do research on the foundation of phenomena and biological processes which as of now have not been described or fully understood. However, it's always our objective to identify and utilize potential targets for biomedical intervention, ultimately aiming at the development of novel therapeutic concepts for age-related diseases.
FLI's technology transfer is primarily focusing on two application fields: the provision of libraries and databases as well as the transfer of research findings into concrete cures.
To fully exploit potential industrial or biomedical/pharmaceutical applications derived from insights of FLI research, the Institute established the "Technology Transfer" Core Facility.
At the FLI, internal and external competencies are bundled in an efficient structure for technology transfer, thus following the BMBF-granted Leibniz-guidelines to implement and strengthen technology transfer in research institutes. Internally, the research coordinator and the legal department have responsibility for this matter. For the exploitation of its intellectual property, FLI collaborates with Ascenion, an exclusive technology transfer partner within life sciences.
Examples for transfer projects from relevant research findings at FLI are as follows:

Wilfried Briest
Research Coordinator
+49 3641 65-6371
Ivonne Röppnack-Jahnke
+49 3641 65-6333