Press Releases on Research

Press releases on research comprise news on FLI's current scientific publications or relevant research results.

Astrocytes, small star-shaped cells, play an important role in signal transmission in the brain. Since the protein Ezrin is found abundantly in…

WNT messenger proteins are crucial for a variety of cellular functions. A specific WNT messenger can increase muscle mass and improve regeneration in…

A well-functioning immune system is essential for protection against infections. However, with increasing age, the functioning of the immune system…

Mild, persistent inflammation in tissue is considered one of the biological hallmarks of the aging process in humans – and at the same time is a risk…

Proteins that are frequently altered in tumors play a prominent role in cancer research. The protein RFX7, a largely unknown transcription factor, has…

Throughout one’s life, the blood is constantly being replenished from blood stem cells. However, these cells lose their functionality in old age.…

Researchers have identified a fundamental mechanism in human cells: the lipid PI(18:1/18:1) interrupts typical stress reactions and prevents cell…

The chronic nutritional and metabolic disease of obesity is characterized by an excessive increase in body fat and its accumulation in tissues. Those…

To maintain organ functions, the proteins in the cells need to be kept in balance (proteostasis). This state is disturbed with increasing age. One…

As we age, our immune system works less well. We become more susceptible to infections and vaccinations no longer work as effectively. A research team…