We announce the addition of four new outstanding projects to the SPARK-FLI Program! They were selected from a pool of seven talented applicant teams that participated in the Call and Pitch Event 2025. The following projects will receive financial support and/or mentoring, with the goal of translating their submitted projects into practical applications.
The selected projects are:
- DYI: Designing YAP/TAZ-Inhibitors - development of inhibitors for cancer treatment
- Leak-Profiler: Novel Measure of leaky gut through microbial profiling - development of a new method for diagnosing gut diseases
- NF-Biomarker: Screening for biomarkers of neurofibromatosis - search for biomarkers for diagnosing nerve diseases
- Neuronmet: Metabolites as targets or adjuvants of AD therapy - exploration of metabolites as potential targets for Alzheimer's disease treatment
In addition to these, one external project is supported by mentoring as well as three ongoing projects from last year, bringing the total number of projects supported by the SPARK Program at FLI to eight.
The SPARK Program is an initiative that supports innovative research projects in the field of medicine and life sciences. The program's goal is to promote new ideas and concepts and translate them into practical applications.