Staff Directory (incomplete due to Data protection)

If you have questions with regard to our research, the institute or about aging, we are glad to assist you.

Postal Address | Visitor's Address

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstraße 11
07745 Jena, Germany

P. +49 3641 – 65 6000

Damari, Francesca+49 3641 656377eMailPublic Relations
Daraki, Georgia+49 3641 656024eMailMorrison Research Group
de Bakker, Dennis+49 3641 656702eMailValenzano Research Group
Dittmar, Heike+49 3641 656701eMailTraining Technican
Dölschner, Hannes+49 3641 656615eMailExperimental Services
Dönertas, Handan Melike+49 3641 656817eMailDoenertas Research Group
Dönmez, Cagla+49 3641 656185eMailvon Eyss Research Group
Dunkel, Simone+49 3641 656452/6059eMailExperimental Services
Durso, William+49 3641 656052eMailKaether Research Group