DFG Priority Programme "Immunobone": Participation of Tuckermann lab

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DFG has granted the new Priority Programme `Osteoimmunology - IMMUNOBONE – A Program to unravel the Mutual Interactions between the Immune System and Bone` (SPP 1468). 22 German research institutions, coordinated by the University Erlangen, participate in the project. For the first three years "Immunobone" will be supported by the DFG with 7.1 million Euros.

DFG has granted the new Priority Programme `Osteoimmunology - IMMUNOBONE – A Program to unravel the Mutual Interactions between the Immune System and Bone` (SPP 1468). 22 German research institutions, coordinated by the University Erlangen, participate in the project. For the first three years "Immunobone" will be supported by the DFG with 7.1 million Euros.

The Tuckermann lab at FLI contributes to the project with several newly granted research positions.