DGfA Meeting 2015 hosted by the FLI


This year's annual meeting of the DGfA from December 4th to 5th at the FLI in Jena, Germany, was opened by Prof. Henri Jasper and provided high-level speeches and poster presentations to an international audience.

From December 4 to 5, the annual meeting of the German Association for Aging Research (DGfA) 2015 took place in Jena, Germany, hosted by the Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI). With this year's keynote speakers - Heinrich Jasper from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging (Novato, USA) and Thomas Nyström from the University of Gothenbur (Göteborg, Sweden) - world-class aging researchers could be welcomed offering valuable insights into their research and sharing their expertise with the 170 conference attendees.

The DGfA meetings have developed into one of the most important meetings on basic research on aging in recent years. The meeting is open to all scientists interested in aging research and offers a unique platform for open discussions and collaboration. It offers an optimal atmosphere for the presentation of new data and open discussions.