Evolutionary Biologist Dario R. Valenzano Gives Inaugural Lecture

On September 15, Prof. Dario R. Valenzano will introduce himself at the FLI with a lecture on "Evolutionary Ecology of Aging". Valenzano, who was jointly appointed as a professor by the FLI and Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2021, heads the research group "Evolutionary Biology / Microbiome-Host Interactions in Aging" at the FLI.

His inaugural lecture is also the opening of the "FLI Inauguration Lectures", a series of events hosted by Prof. Alfred A. Nordheim, Scientific Director of the FLI. Within the “FLI Inauguration Lectures", research group leaders who are new to the institute will present their work. At the same time, they are officially welcomed to the FLI.

The first "FLI Inauguration Lecture" is a hybrid event and is open to FLI staff members as well as interested parties. Internally, access details are to be announced. For external guests, please email Birgit.Oechsner@leibniz-fli.de for details.

The event will start at 4 pm in the seminar room "Nucleus" in building FLI 1.