FLI present at „Science meets Parliament“ in Berlin

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At least once a year and within the framework of the "Science meets Parliament" event, scientists of the Leibniz Association offer delegates of the Bundestag the chance to inform themselves about current research topics of the Association's institutions.

At least once a year and within the framework of the "Science meets Parliament" event, scientists of the Leibniz Association offer delegates of the Bundestag the chance to inform themselves about current research topics of the Association's institutions.

The topics on offer are broadly defined and varied. They come for instance from the area of educational and cultural sciences, economics or social sciences, the life sciences, mathematics, the natural sciences and economics, as well as from environmental sciences.

This year’s meeting of delegates with scientists from the Leibniz Association took place June 12 - 13 in Berlin. More than 80 delegates from the Bundestag took the chance and met ca. 120 delegates from Leibniz institutes for an exchange of views.

Professor Karl Ulrich Mayer, president of the Leibniz Association, met Franz Müntefering (SPD) and discussed “the problems of ageing populations”.

As a representative of the Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena, Professor Christoph Englert was in attendance and talked to the delegates Heidrun Dittrich (Die Linke) and Dr. Erwin Lotter (FDP). They discussed ageing research in general and „whether the life span is determined in the genome“ in particular.