FLI takes part in Open Cancer Conference (OKK)


On November 14th, the FLI participated in the OKK - Open Cancer Conference in Jena with an information stand.

For the first time, the Open Cancer Conference (OKK) took place in Thuringia: On November 14th, 2015, Thuringian institutes, hospitals, universities and self-help groups presented their issues on cancer emergence and treatment to a public audience.

Prof. K. Lenhard Rudolph, Scientific Director of the Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI), gave the opening speech on "Cancer & Age" which gained the utmost attention of the audience in the FSU's Abbe Building.

Moreover, the FLI took part with a little stand informing about the institute's cancer research. By means of silicon models, visitors could take a look into cell division or telomere shortening to get a better understanding of the molecular and cellular basics of cancer development in age.