“Forsche Schüler” Day at FLI

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The time has come again on Thursday, April 26th 2012. Corresponding to the "Girls' Day" und "Boys' Day" , Beutenberg Campus invites pupils to the “Forsche Schüler” Day. On this day, pupils from grade 8 can take a look at the professional world of a scientist and try out “science” themselves.

The time has come again on Thursday, April 26th 2012. Corresponding to the "Girls' Day" und "Boys' Day" , Beutenberg Campus invites pupils to the “Forsche Schüler” Day. On this day, pupils from grade 8 can take a look at the professional world of a scientist and try out “science” themselves.


This year, there are 22 places for interested boys and girls at the Leibniz Institute for Age Research – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI). Topics are laser microtechniques in biomedical research or DNA isolation from tomatoes. Additionally, short presentations on ageing research and vocational training at FLI will complete this year’s programme.

Registration will still be possible until April 23 2012 either by phone (03641 / 65 63 31) or by e-mail (forscheschueler@fli-leibniz.de)!