Forsche Schüler: Girls' & Boys' Day

Press Releases Meetings News Pressespiegel

35 pupils from grade eight are invited on April 14th between 09:00 h and 13:30 h to get to know FLI and its staff. We are offering an insight into the exciting international working life of FLI’s scientists. You can learn more about the background of research projects or about career paths, but you can also take an active part in the laboratories. Experienced scientists, technicians, engineers, biologists and chemists will be on hand with help or adivce and will answer your questions.

35 pupils from grade eight are invited on April 14th between 09:00 h and 13:30 h to get to know FLI and its staff. We are offering an insight into the exciting international working life of FLI’s scientists. You can learn more about the background of research projects or about career paths, but you can also take an active part in the laboratories. Experienced scientists, technicians, engineers, biologists and chemists will be on hand with help or adivce and will answer your questions.


9:00 - 9:45 h Biomedical Research: Health + Ageing

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Safety instruction
  • Allocation into laboratory groups

  • 9:45 - 10:00 Uhr Break

    10:00 - 12:30 Uhr Labs

  • Laser microtechniques in biomedical research (Shamci Monajembashi; Single Cell and Single Molecule Techniques)

  • Genetics in animal models
  • (Ulrike Hillienhoff; Tissue-specific hormone action)


  • A microscopy view of the cell (Peter Hemmerich; Molecular cell biology)

  • Protein crystallography as „Super microscope“ (Manuel Than; Protein crystallography)

  • Variable Genes – Hightec sequence analysis (Stefan Taudien/Kathrin Reichwald/Marco Groth; Genome analysis)


    12:30 - 13:30 Uhr Concluding discussion