II. Alumni Meeting & Career Day at FLI


On May 26 and 27, FLI alumni came back to their "home" institute to exchange with colleagues and current students.

"What comes after the PhD?" was the central question of FLI's second Alumni Meeting & Career Day on May 26 and 27, 2016. The meeting offered the opportunity for FLI students to meet alumni who shared their experiences of professional networking and career development. The schedule included scientific presentations as well as talks by 11 FLI Alumni and exhibitions from companies. In addition, Lisa Wiesmüller, Jan Hoeijmakers and Heinz-Peter Nasheuer (Alumnus) gave keynote lectures on their way from laboratory to a successful career.

After two days of intensive talks, presentations and networking, the alumni meeting was closed with a hiking tour and a BBQ in Jena Paradies.