„Research Coffee Lectures & Espresso Shots” – Lecture Series on Data Management starting today

This introductory lecture series is presented by our data steward Jeanne Wilbrandt. It takes place during the 2nd half of 2022 and is open to FLI employees and members of other Leibniz Institutes.

In this series, we break down answers to these and similar questions: „What is research data management?“ / „How can RDM help me in my daily work?“ / „What would I need to do?“ into easily digestible chunks to go with your coffee at lunch.

With this, we hope to help you to maintain good research data management (RDM) in your daily work. Using data management best practices can be easy, if you have a good starting point, a practice you can embrace and maintain. No prior knowledge is required.


The first lecture is on Monday, 05.09., at 1:30 pm "What is RDM?".

All lectures will be held in English and online using zoom https://zoom.us/j/92661743155?pwd=TUJXNDlTYmlIN3FVUFdpQU1EM0dEUT09).

Further dates: 7.11. and 28.11.2022 (see Flyer)