Spring from a biomedical perspective


On the 2016 Spring Reception of the Leibniz Association, Karl Lenhard Rudolph, Scientific Director of the Leibniz Institute on Aging (FLI), held an opening speech on "Spring from a biomedical perspective".

Directors, scientists and members of the Leibniz Institutes were invited to the Spring Reception of the Leibniz Association in Berlin on March 17, 2016. On this occasion, K. Lenhard Rudolph - Scientific Director of Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) - held a little speech on "Spring from a biomecical perspective". With a twinkle in his eye, Rudolph explained hormonal changes during springtime, seasonal effects on aging and, eventually, transfered these ideas to the event itself.

At the Spring Reception, also the Leibniz Start-up Award (Leibniz-Gründerpreis) 2016 was awarded.