UniStem Day 2017: International Stem Cell Day at FLI


On March 17, 2017, the FLI partipates in the international UniStem Day, gathering up to 25.000 high school students in whole Europe to discuss about stem cell research and application.


When?    March 17, 2017, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Where?   Jena, Leibniz Institute on Aging (FLI), New laboratory building

The day aims at reviving the interest of high school students (focus on Biology, Sekundarstufe II) in the biologic basics and application of stem cells.

For further information, also see http://www.gscn.org/de/VERANSTALTUNGEN/UniStemDay2016.aspx

Cooperation partners: Jena University Hospital (UKJ), Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Download & Registration

Here  you can download the program (pdf).

Register NOW - Places are limited to 50!

Interested teachers can register their students via presse@~@leibniz-fli.de.