
FLI Events

Welcome at the Event website of the FLI. Besides our scientific lectures, seminars and conferences, a lot of events are organized by the FLI which are open to the public.

Please join interesting discussions and insights into aging research at the FLI!

On April 26, FLI will take part in German-wide "Girl's and Boy's Day" with our "Forsche Schüler Tag".

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch speaks about "Stammzellen, Epigenetik und Gene Editing: eine medizinische Revolution?" within the lecture series "noble…

This year there will be again various events in Jena as part of the international March for Science. In addition to a panel discussion, e.g. questions…

Am 16. März 2018 nimmt das FLI bereits zum 3. Mal am internationalen UniStem Day teil, an dem sich europaweit mehr als 25.000 Gymnasiast(inn)en…

Thea Dorn speaks about "Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit“ in the lecture series "Science & Society".

The "6th Long Night of Sciences" will take place in Jena on November 24th. The FLI will actively participate again and will have its doors open to the…

Prof. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar speaks about "Der Untergang ist abgesagt - Wider die Mythen des demografischen Wandels“ in the lecture series "Science &…

Grundlagenforschung an Stammzellen bietet wichtige Erkenntnisse für die Entwicklung moderner Zelltherapien. Im Anschluss an das 5. internationale…

On April 27, FLI will take part in German-wide "Girl's and Boy's Day" with our "Forsche Schüler Tag".

On March 17, 2017, the FLI partipates in the international UniStem Day, gathering up to 25.000 high school students in whole Europe to discuss about…


Kerstin Wagner
Public Relations
+49 3641 65-6378