FLI News

There are more than 170 scientists doing research on the mechanisms on aging at FLI. Hence, there’s always something new to report. Moreover, members of the interested public have the opportunity to attend FLI’s research seminars.

On March 10, a camera team of MDR shot a report about our Lithuanian colleague Paulius at the FLI.

During the Second International Symposium Healthy Ageing, the Poster as well as the Presentation Award were granted to young FLI researchers.

Thinking positive makes you live longer. This was one of the interesting messages, that Dr. Verena Klusmann addressed to her audience on February 2,…

FLI's Scientific Director was elected by the German Stem Cell Network in September 2016 to lead the Network in 2017.

It was already for the fourth time, that the FLI Health Day took place on December 12, 2016.

About 250 pupils and their families attended this year's Science Night at Talschule Jena. The FLI enthused the 800 visitors with microscopes and aging…

FLI Junior Group Leader Francesco Neri was awarded the 1.60 Mio Sofja Kovalevskaja Award on November 15, 2016, in Berlin.

In recognition of our excellent equal opportunities policies, we were for the second time awarded with the TEQ Certificate on Novemer 9 in Nuremberg.

On the Second International Conference on Aging and Disease in Stanford, US, Ronny Hänold and his group were awarded with the Outstanding Poster…

On September 11, FLI presented its aging research to the public on occasion of the Carl Zeiss Day in Jena.