FLI News

There are more than 170 scientists doing research on the mechanisms on aging at FLI. Hence, there’s always something new to report. Moreover, members of the interested public have the opportunity to attend FLI’s research seminars.

The annual meeting of the German Association for Aging Research (DGfA) took place in Jena on December 6-7, 2018. With selected lectures and poster…

Franz Müntefering, former vice-chancellor and SPD party leader, who is now chairman of the German National Association of Senior Citizens'…

The science festival took place for the first time in Jena from September 11-13, 2018.

From September 6-8, 2018 the first international conference in Jena on the issue of aging took place.

Since July, Ukrainian scientist Dr. Yuliya Kurlishchuk has been conducting research at the FLI.

On July 2, the President of the Leibniz Association, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kleiner, visited the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute…

On 5 June, institutes of the Beutenberg Campus celebrated the "6th German Diversity Day".

FLI's exhibit on tour all over Germany on board the "MS Wissenschaft" and at the "Science Station".

In recognition of our excellent equal opportunities policies, we were awarded with the "Jenaer Familiensiegel" on May 15th.

Again this year 15 children from the Kindergarden Beutenberg and BiLLY visited the FLI to learn more about aging research.