Former Research Group - Platzer (until 2018)



  • Mutation screen of the brain derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF): identification of several genetic variants and association studies in patients with obesity, eating disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
    Friedel S, Horro FF, Wermter AK, Geller F, Dempfle A, Reichwald K, Smidt J, Brönner G, Konrad K, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Warnke A, Hemminger U, Linder M, Kiefl H, Goldschmidt HP, Siegfried W, Remschmidt H, Hinney A, Hebebrand J
    Am J Med Genet B 2005, 132B(1), 96-9
  • Gemeinsam sind wir stark - was fügt Einzelzellen zu einem Ganzen?
    Glöckner G
    GenomXPress 2005, 3, 14-5
  • Human Latrophilin-2 is Expressed in the Cytotrophoblast and Syncytiotrophoblast of Placenta and in Endothelial Cells.
    Herberth G, Stein A, Taudien S, Klaman I, Herr A, Glienke J, Thierauch KH, Sommer A
    Am J Biochem and Biotech 2005, 1(3), 136-45
  • Non-EST based prediction of exon skipping and intron retention events using Pfam information.
    Hiller M, Huse K, Platzer M, Backofen R
    Nucleic Acids Res 2005, 33(17), 5611-21
  • Creation and disruption of protein features by alternative splicing -- a novel mechanism to modulate function.
    Hiller M, Huse K, Platzer M, Backofen R
    Genome Biol 2005, 6(7), R58 published as IMB
  • Breakpoint analysis of the pericentric inversion distinguishing human chromosome 4 from the homologous chromosome in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes).
    Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Sandig C, Chuzhanova N, Goidts V, Szamalek JM, Tänzer S, Müller S, Platzer M, Cooper DN, Hameister H
    Hum Mutat 2005, 25(1), 45-55 published as IMB
  • Molecular characterization of the pericentric inversion of chimpanzee chromosome 11 homologous to human chromosome 9.
    Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Szamalek JM, Tänzer S, Platzer M, Hameister H
    Genomics 2005, 85(5), 542-50
  • [Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion].
    Moche M, Hui DSC, Huse K, Chan KS, Choy DKL, Scholz GH, Gosse H, Winkler J, Schauer J, Sack U, Hoheisel G
    Pneumologie 2005, 59(8), 523-8
  • Exploring the chemistry of uncultivated bacterial symbionts: antitumor polyketides of the pederin family.
    Piel J, Butzke D, Fusetani N, Hui D, Platzer M, Wen G, Matsunaga S
    J Nat Prod 2005, 68(3), 472-9
  • Alternatives Spleißen an NAGNAG-Motiven: kleine Ursache - große Protein-Vielfalt.
    Platzer M, Huse K, Hiller M
    Biol Unserer Zeit 2005, 35, 80-2
  • A unique exonic splice enhancer mutation in a family with X-linked mental retardation and epilepsy points to a novel role of the renin receptor.
    Ramser J, Abidi FE, Burckle CA, Lenski C, Toriello H, Wen G, Lubs HA, Engert S, Stevenson RE, Meindl A, Schwartz CE, Nguyen G
    Hum Mol Genet 2005, 14(8), 1019-27 published as IMB
  • GenColors: accelerated comparative analysis and annotation of prokaryotic genomes at various stages of completeness.
    Romualdi A, Siddiqui R, Glöckner G, Lehmann R, Sühnel J
    Bioinformatics 2005, 21(18), 3669-71
  • The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome.
    Ross MT, Grafham DV, Coffey AJ, Scherer S, McLay K, Muzny D, Platzer M, Howell GR, Burrows C, Bird CP, Frankish A, Lovell FL, Howe KL, Ashurst JL, Fulton RS, Sudbrak R, Wen G, Jones MC, Hurles ME, Andrews TD, Scott CE, Searle S, Ramser J, Whittaker A, Deadman R, Carter NP, Hunt SE, Chen R, Cree A, Gunaratne P, Havlak P, Hodgson A, Metzker ML, Richards S, Scott G, Steffen D, Sodergren E, Wheeler DA, Worley KC, Ainscough R, Ambrose KD, Ansari-Lari MA, Aradhya S, Ashwell RIS, Babbage AK, Bagguley CL, Ballabio A, Banerjee R, Barker GE, Barlow KF, Barrett IP, Bates KN, Beare DM, Beasley H, Beasley O, Beck A, Bethel G, Blechschmidt K, Brady N, Bray-Allen S, Bridgeman AM, Brown AJ, Brown MJ, Bonnin D, Bruford EA, Buhay C, Burch P, Burford D, Burgess J, Burrill W, Burton J, Bye JM, Carder C, Carrel L, Chako J, Chapman JC, Chavez D, Chen E, Chen G, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chinault C, Ciccodicola A, Clark SY, Clarke G, Clee CM, Clegg S, Clerc-Blankenburg K, Clifford K, Cobley V, Cole CG, Conquer JS, Corby N, Connor RE, David R, Davies J, Davis C, Davis J, Delgado O, Deshazo D, Dhami P, Ding Y, Dinh H, Dodsworth S, Draper H, Dugan-Rocha S, Dunham A, Dunn M, Durbin KJ, Dutta I, Eades T, Ellwood M, Emery-Cohen A, Errington H, Evans KL, Faulkner L, Francis F, Frankland J, Fraser AE, Galgoczy P, Gilbert J, Gill R, Glöckner G, Gregory SG, Gribble S, Griffiths C, Grocock R, Gu Y, Gwilliam R, Hamilton C, Hart EA, Hawes A, Heath PD, Heitmann K, Hennig S, Hernandez J, Hinzmann B, Ho S, Hoffs M, Howden PJ, Huckle EJ, Hume J, Hunt PJ, Hunt AR, Isherwood J, Jacob L, Johnson D, Jones S, de Jong PJ, Joseph SS, Keenan S, Kelly S, Kershaw JK, Khan Z, Kioschis P, Klages S, Knights AJ, Kosiura A, Kovar-Smith C, Laird GK, Langford C, Lawlor S, Leversha M, Lewis L, Liu W, Lloyd C, Lloyd DM, Loulseged H, Loveland JE, Lovell JD, Lozado R, Lu J, Lyne R, Ma J, Maheshwari M, Matthews LH, McDowall J, McLaren S, McMurray A, Meidl P, Meitinger T, Milne S, Miner G, Mistry SL, Morgan M, Morris S, Müller I, Mullikin JC, Nguyen N, Nordsiek G, Nyakatura G, O'Dell CN, Okwuonu G, Palmer S, Pandian R, Parker D, Parrish J, Pasternak S, Patel D, Pearce AV, Pearson DM, Pelan SE, Perez L, Porter KM, Ramsey Y, Reichwald K, Rhodes S, Ridler KA, Schlessinger D, Schueler MG, Sehra HK, Shaw-Smith C, Shen H, Sheridan EM, Shownkeen R, Skuce CD, Smith ML, Sotheran EC, Steingruber HE, Steward CA, Storey R, Swann RM, Swarbreck D, Tabor PE, Taudien S, Taylor T, Teague B, Thomas K, Thorpe A, Timms K, Tracey A, Trevanion S, Tromans AC, d'Urso M, Verduzco D, Villasana D, Waldron L, Wall M, Wang Q, Warren J, Warry GL, Wei X, West A, Whitehead SL, Whiteley MN, Wilkinson JE, Willey DL, Williams G, Williams L, Williamson A, Williamson H, Wilming L, Woodmansey RL, Wray PW, Yen J, Zhang J, Zhou J, Zoghbi H, Zorilla S, Buck D, Reinhardt R, Poustka A, Rosenthal A, Lehrach H, Meindl A, Minx PJ, Hillier LW, Willard HF, Wilson RK, Waterston RH, Rice CM, Vaudin M, Coulson A, Nelson DL, Weinstock G, Sulston JE, Durbin R, Hubbard T, Gibbs RA, Beck S, Rogers J, Bentley DR
    Nature 2005, 434(7031), 325-37
  • Characterization of 8p21.3 chromosomal deletions in B-cell lymphoma: TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 as candidate dosage-dependent tumor suppressor genes.
    Rubio-Moscardo F, Blesa D, Mestre C, Siebert R, Balasas T, Benito A, Rosenwald A, Climent J, Martinez JI, Schilhabel M, Karran EL, Gesk S, Esteller M, deLeeuw R, Staudt LM, Fernandez-Luna JL, Pinkel D, Dyer MJS, Martinez-Climent JA
    Blood 2005, 106(9), 3214-22
  • Human galanin (GAL) and galanin 1 receptor (GALR1) variations are not involved in fat intake and early onset obesity.
    Schäuble N, Reichwald K, Grassl W, Bechstein H, Müller HC, Scherag A, Geller F, Utting M, Siegfried W, Goldschmidt H, Blundell J, Lawton C, Alam R, Whybrow S, Stubbs J, Platzer M, Hebebrand J, Hinney A
    J Nutr 2005, 135(6), 1387-92
  • Gene organization features in A/T-rich organisms.
    Szafranski K, Lehmann R, Parra G, Guigo R, Glöckner G
    J Mol Evol 2005, 60(1), 90-8
  • Sarcoidosis is associated with a truncating splice site mutation in BTNL2.
    Valentonyte R, Hampe J, Huse K, Rosenstiel P, Albrecht M, Stenzel A, Nagy M, Gaede KI, Franke A, Haesler R, Koch A, Lengauer T, Seegert D, Reiling N, Ehlers S, Schwinger E, Platzer M, Krawczak M, Müller-Quernheim J, Schürmann M, Schreiber S
    Nat Genet 2005, 37(4), 357-64
  • Validation of mRNA/EST-based gene predictions in human Xp11.4 revealed differences to the organization of the orthologous mouse locus.
    Wen G, Ramser J, Taudien S, Gausmann U, Blechschmidt K, Frankish A, Ashurst J, Meindl A, Platzer M
    Mamm Genome 2005, 16(12), 934-41 published as IMB
  • Mutation analysis of the MCHR1 gene in human obesity.
    Wermter AK, Reichwald K, Büch T, Geller F, Platzer C, Huse K, Hess C, Remschmidt H, Gudermann T, Preibisch G, Siegfried W, Goldschmidt HP, Li WD, Price RA, Biebermann H, Krude H, Vollmert C, Wichmann HE, Illig T, Sørensen TIA, Astrup A, Larsen LH, Pedersen O, Eberlé D, Clément K, Blundell J, Wabitsch M, Schäfer H, Platzer M, Hinney A, Hebebrand J
    Eur J Endocrinol 2005, 152(6), 851-62
  • The Dictyostelium genome encodes numerous RasGEFs with multiple biological roles.
    Wilkins* A, Szafranski* K, Fraser DJ, Bakthavatsalam D, Müller R, Fisher PR, Glöckner G, Eichinger L, Noegel AA, Insall RH
    Genome Biol 2005, 6(8), R68 * equal contribution