Former Associated Research Group - Weih/Hänold (until 2017)



  • NF-κB controls axonal regeneration and degeneration through cell-specific balance of RelA and p50 in the adult CNS.
    Haenold R, Weih F, Herrmann KH, Schmidt KF, Krempler K, Engelmann C, Nave KA, Reichenbach JR, Löwel S, Witte OW, Kretz A
    J Cell Sci 2014, 127, 3052-65
  • Dysfunctional NF-κB and brain myelin formation.
    Kretz A, Herrmann KH, Fischer S, Engelmann C, Witte OW, Reichenbach JR, Weih F, Haenold R
    Eur J Hum Genet 2014, 22(6), 724-5
  • NF-κB2/p100 deficiency impairs immune responses to T-cell-independent type 2 antigens.
    Krljanac B, Weih D, Jacobsen ID, Hu D, Koliesnik I, Reppe K, Witzenrath M, Weih F
    Eur J Immunol 2014, 44(3), 662-72
  • Atherosclerosis-peripheral nervous system crosstalk in aged hyperlipidemic mice
    Mohanta S
    Dissertation 2014, Jena, Germany
  • Artery Tertiary Lymphoid Organs Contribute to Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses in Advanced Mouse Atherosclerosis.
    Mohanta* SK, Yin* C, Peng L, Srikakulapu P, Bontha V, Hu D, Weih F, Weber C, Gerdes N, Habenicht AJR
    Circ Res 2014, 114(11), 1772-87 * equal contribution