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  • Disruption of Trp53 in livers of mice induces formation of carcinomas with bilineal differentiation.
    Katz SF, Lechel A, Obenauf AC, Begus-Nahrmann Y, Kraus JM, Hoffmann EM, Duda J, Eshraghi P, Hartmann D, Liss B, Schirmacher P, Kestler HA, Speicher MR, Rudolph KL
    Gastroenterology 2012, 142(5), 1229-1239.e3 published during change of institution
  • Functionality, growth and accelerated aging of tissue engineered living autologous vascular grafts.
    Kelm JM, Emmert MY, Zürcher A, Schmidt D, Begus Nahrmann Y, Rudolph KL, Weber B, Brokopp CE, Frauenfelder T, Leschka S, Odermatt B, Jenni R, Falk V, Zünd G, Hoerstrup SP
    Biomaterials 2012, 33(33), 8277-85 published during change of institution
  • Mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling lifespan in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri--a new vertebrate model for age research.
    Kirschner J, Weber D, Neuschl C, Franke A, Böttger M, Zielke L, Powalsky E, Groth M, Shagin D, Petzold A, Hartmann N, Englert C, Brockmann GA, Platzer M, Cellerino A, Reichwald K
    Aging Cell 2012, 11(2), 252-61
  • Malfunctioning DNA Damage Response (DDR) Leads to the Degeneration of Nigro-Striatal Pathway in Mouse Brain.
    Kirshner M, Galron R, Frenkel D, Mandelbaum G, Shiloh Y, Wang ZQ, Barzilai A
    J Mol Neurosci 2012, 46(3), 554-68
  • Increased reprogramming capacity of mouse liver progenitor cells, compared with differentiated liver cells, requires the BAF complex.
    Kleger A, Mahaddalkar PU, Katz SF, Lechel A, Joo JY, Loya K, Lin Q, Hartmann D, Liebau S, Kraus JM, Cantz T, Kestler HA, Zaehres H, Schöler H, Rudolph KL
    Gastroenterology 2012, 142(4), 907-17 published during change of institution
  • Glucocorticoid receptor dimerization is required for survival in septic shock via suppression of interleukin-1 in macrophages.
    Kleiman* A, Hübner* S, Rodriguez Parkitna JM, Neumann A, Hofer S, Weigand MA, Bauer M, Schmid W, Schütz G, Libert C, Reichardt HM, Tuckermann JP
    FASEB J 2012, 26(2), 722-29 * equal contribution
  • Accumulation of annexin A5 at the nuclear envelope is a biomarker of cellular aging.
    Klement K, Melle C, Murzik U, Diekmann S, Norgauer J, Hemmerich P
    Mech Ageing Dev 2012, 133(7), 508-22
  • Liver X receptors orchestrate osteoblast/osteoclast crosstalk and counteract pathologic bone loss.
    Kleyer A, Scholtysek C, Bottesch E, Hillienhof U, Beyer C, Distler JH, Tuckermann JP, Schett G, Krönke G
    J Bone Miner Res 2012, 27(12), 2442-51
  • Skepinone-L is a selective p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor.
    Koeberle SC, Romir J, Fischer S, Koeberle A, Schattel V, Albrecht W, Grütter C, Werz O, Rauh D, Stehle T, Laufer SA
    Nat Chem Biol 2012, 8(2), 141-3
  • Identification of novel regulators of notch signaling by image based screening
    Krämer AM
    Dissertation 2012, Jena, Germany