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  • In vivo imaging of optic nerve fiber integrity by contrast-enhanced MRI in mice.
    Fischer* S, Engelmann* C, Herrmann KH, Reichenbach JR, Witte OW, Weih F, Kretz A, Haenold R
    J Vis Exp 2014 * equal contribution, Author-Produced Video
  • Activating mutations in RRAS underlie a phenotype within the RASopathy spectrum and contribute to leukaemogenesis.
    Flex E, Jaiswal M, Pantaleoni F, Martinelli S, Strullu M, Fansa EK, Caye A, De Luca A, Lepri F, Dvorsky R, Pannone L, Paolacci S, Zhang SC, Fodale V, Bocchinfuso G, Rossi C, Burkitt-Wright EMM, Farrotti A, Stellacci E, Cecchetti S, Ferese R, Bottero L, Castro S, Fenneteau O, Brethon B, Sanchez M, Roberts AE, Yntema HG, Van Der Burgt I, Cianci P, Bondeson ML, Cristina Digilio M, Zampino G, Kerr B, Aoki Y, Loh ML, Palleschi A, Di Schiavi E, Carè A, Selicorni A, Dallapiccola B, Cirstea IC, Stella L, Zenker M, Gelb BD, Cavé H, Ahmadian MR, Tartaglia M
    Hum Mol Genet 2014, 23(16), 4315-27
  • The Genome of the Foraminiferan Reticulomyxa filosa.
    Glöckner G, Hülsmann N, Schleicher M, Noegel AA, Eichinger L, Gallinger C, Pawlowski J, Sierra R, Euteneuer U, Pillet L, Moustafa A, Platzer M, Groth M, Szafranski K, Schliwa M
    Curr Biol 2014, 24, 11-8
  • Telomerase stimulates ribosomal DNA transcription under hyperproliferative conditions.
    Gonzalez OG, Assfalg R, Koch S, Schelling A, Meena JK, Kraus J, Lechel A, Katz SF, Benes V, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Kestler HA, Günes** C, Iben** S
    Nat Commun 2014, 5, 4599 ** co-corresponding authors
  • The genome of an influenza virus from a pilot whale: Relation to influenza viruses of gulls and marine mammals.
    Groth M, Lange J, Kanrai P, Pleschka S, Scholtissek C, Krumbholz A, Platzer M, Sauerbrei A, Zell R
    Infect Genet Evol 2014, 24, 183-6
  • Transkriptom-Sequenzierung in der Alternsforschung
    Groth M, Reichwald K, Szafranski K, Taudien S, Platzer M
    BIOspektrum 2014, 20(2), 163-6
  • Fungal Alternative Splicing is Associated with Multicellular Complexity and Virulence: A Genome-Wide Multi-Species Study.
    Grützmann K, Szafranski K, Pohl M, Voigt K, Petzold A, Schuster S
    DNA Res 2014, 21(1), 27-39
  • Manganese-Enhanced MRI: In Vivo Imaging of CNS Anatomy, Fiber Connectivity and Functional Activity
    Haenold R
    In: In Vivo Imaging: New Research (edited by Rick Hough and Jared Camarillo), Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine 2014, 49-86, Nova Science Publishers
  • NF-κB controls axonal regeneration and degeneration through cell-specific balance of RelA and p50 in the adult CNS.
    Haenold R, Weih F, Herrmann KH, Schmidt KF, Krempler K, Engelmann C, Nave KA, Reichenbach JR, Löwel S, Witte OW, Kretz A
    J Cell Sci 2014, 127, 3052-65
  • Klonierung und in vivo Analyse von Proteinen des menschlichen inneren Kinetochors
    Hellwig D
    Dissertation 2014, Jena, Germany