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  • Identification of Undescribed Relb Expression Domains in the Murine Brain by New Relb:cre-katushka Reporter Mice.
    Engelmann C, Riemann M, Carlstedt S, Grimlowski R, Andreas N, Koliesnik I, Meier E, Austerfield P, Haenold R
    Dev Dyn 2020, 249(8), 983-97
  • Loss of metabolic plasticity underlies metformin toxicity in aged Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Espada* L, Dakhovnik* A, Chaudhari* P, Martirosyan A, Miek L, Poliezhaieva T, Schaub Y, Nair A, Döring N, Rahnis N, Werz O, Koeberle A, Kirkpatrick J, Ori A, Ermolaeva MA
    Nat Metab 2020, 2(11), 1316-31 * equal contribution
  • Structural insights into the main S-layer unit of Deinococcus radiodurans reveal a massive protein complex with porin-like features.
    Farci D, Aksoyoglu MA, Farci SF, Bafna JA, Bodrenko I, Ceccarelli M, Kirkpatrick J, Winterhalter M, Kereïche S, Piano D
    J Biol Chem 2020, 295(13), 4224-36
  • The Neurofibromatoses.
    Farschtschi S, Mautner VF, McLean ACL, Schulz A, Friedrich R, Rosahl SK
    Dtsch Arztebl Int 2020, 117(20), 354-60
  • C-Fiber Loss as a Possible Cause of Neuropathic Pain in Schwannomatosis.
    Farschtschi SC, Mainka T, Glatzel M, Hannekum AL, Hauck M, Gelderblom M, Hagel C, Friedrich RE, Schuhmann MU, Schulz A, Morrison H, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Luhmann J, Gerloff C, Bendszus M, Bäumer P, Mautner VF
    Int J Mol Sci 2020, 21(10)
  • In utero lentiviral transduction of the gastrointestinal tract
    Garside G
    Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany
  • Region-specific effects of aging on the small intestinal epithelium and the influence of dietary restriction
    Gebert N
    Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany
  • Region-Specific Proteome Changes of the Intestinal Epithelium during Aging and Dietary Restriction.
    Gebert N, Cheng CW, Kirkpatrick JM, Di Fraia D, Yun J, Schädel P, Pace S, Garside GB, Werz O, Rudolph KL, Jasper H, Yilmaz ÖH, Ori A
    Cell Rep 2020, 31(4), 107565
  • The evolutionary history of 2,658 cancers.
    Gerstung M, Jolly C, Leshchiner I, Dentro SC, Gonzalez S, Rosebrock D, Mitchell TJ, Rubanova Y, Anur P, Yu K, Tarabichi M, Deshwar A, Wintersinger J, Kleinheinz K, Vázquez-García I, Haase K, Jerman L, Sengupta S, Macintyre G, Malikic S, Donmez N, Livitz DG, Cmero M, Demeulemeester J, Schumacher S, Fan Y, Yao X, Lee J, Schlesner M, Boutros PC, Bowtell DD, Zhu H, Getz G, Imielinski M, Beroukhim R, Sahinalp SC, Ji Y, Peifer M, Markowetz F, Mustonen V, Yuan K, Wang W, Morris QD, PCAWG Evolution and Heterogeneity Working Group, Spellman PT, Wedge DC, Van Loo P, PCAWG Consortium
    Nature 2020, 578(7793), 122-8
  • Fasting for stem cell rejuvenation.
    González-Estévez C, Flores I
    Aging (Albany NY) 2020, 12(5), 4048—4049