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  • Differential function of NBS1 and ATR in neurogenesis.
    Zhou Z, Bruhn C, Wang ZQ
    DNA Repair 2012, 11(2), 210-21


  • Laser microbeam - kinetic studies combined with molecule - structures reveal mechanisms of DNA repair
    Altenberg B, Greulich KO
    In: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VIII, From Bio-Molecules to Tissue Studies (edited by Dholakia K, Spalding GC), Proceedings of SPIEE 2011, 8097, 80970D, SPIE Press, Bellingham,
  • Protein-tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1 controls receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3 signaling.
    Arora D, Stopp S, Böhmer SA, Schons J, Godfrey R, Masson K, Razumovskaya E, Rönnstrand L, Tänzer S, Bauer R, Böhmer FD, Müller JP
    J Biol Chem 2011, 286(13), 10918-29
  • DNA binding-dependent glucocorticoid receptor activity promotes adipogenesis via Krüppel-like factor 15 gene expression.
    Asada* M, Rauch* A, Shimizu H, Maruyama H, Miyaki S, Shibamori M, Kawasome H, Ishiyama H, Tuckermann* J, Asahara* H
    Lab Invest 2011, 91(2), 203-15 * equal contribution
  • Steady state migratory RelB+ langerin+ dermal dendritic cells mediate peripheral induction of antigen-specific CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells.
    Azukizawa H, Döhler A, Kanazawa N, Nayak A, Lipp M, Malissen B, Autenrieth I, Katayama I, Riemann M, Weih F, Berberich-Siebelt F, Lutz MB
    Eur J Immunol 2011, 41(5), 1420-34
  • Beneficial and side effects of glucocorticoid receptor action in inflammatory bone dieseases
    Baschant U
    Dissertation 2011, Jena, Germany
  • Glucocorticoid therapy of antigen-induced arthritis depends on the dimerized glucocorticoid receptor in T cells.
    Baschant U, Frappart L, Rauchhaus U, Bruns L, Reichardt HM, Kamradt T, Bräuer R, Tuckermann JP
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011, 108(48), 19317-22 evaluated by "Faculty of 1000"
  • Laser capture microdissection of hyperlipidemic/ApoE-/- mouse aorta atherosclerosis.
    Beer M, Döpping S, Hildner M, Weber G, Gräbner R, Hu D, Kumar Mohanta S, Srikakulapu P, Weih F, Habenicht AJR
    In: Laser Capture Microdissection, Methods and Protocols (edited by Murray, Graeme I), Methods in Molecular Biology 2011, 755, 417-428, Humana Press Inc., Toto
  • NF-kappaB signaling and lymphoid tissue organogenesis.
    Benezech C, Mader E, Weih F, Caamano J
    In: Developmental Biology of Peripheral Lymphoid Organs (edited by Balogh P) 2011, 25-38, Springer, Heidelberg
  • Comparative and functional genomics provide insights into the pathogenicity of dermatophytic fungi.
    Burmester* A, Shelest* E, Glöckner* G, Heddergott* C, Schindler S, Staib P, Heidel A, Felder M, Petzold A, Szafranski K, Feuermann M, Pedruzzi I, Priebe S, Groth M, Winkler R, Li W, Kniemeyer O, Schroeckh V, Hertweck C, Hube B, White TC, Platzer M, Guthke R, Heitman J, Wöstemeyer J, Zipfel PF, Monod M, Brakhage AA
    Genome Biol 2011, 12(1), R7 * equal contribution