Publications Project Biochemistry


  • High-Content Microscopy Analysis of Subcellular Structures: Assay Development and Application to Focal Adhesion Quantification.
    Kroll* T, Schmidt* D, Schwanitz G, Ahmad M, Hamann J, Schlosser C, Lin YC, Böhm KJ, Tuckermann J, Ploubidou A
    Curr Protoc Cytom 2016, 77, 12.43.1-12.43.44 * equal contribution
  • Heterozygous PALB2 c.1592delT mutation channels DNA double-strand break repair into error-prone pathways in breast cancer patients.
    Obermeier K, Sachsenweger J, Friedl TWP, Pospiech H, Winqvist R, Wiesmüller L
    Oncogene 2016, 35(29), 3796-806
  • TSC loss distorts DNA replication programme and sensitises cells to genotoxic stress.
    Pai GM, Zielinski A, Koalick D, Ludwig K, Wang ZQ, Borgmann K, Pospiech H, Rubio I
    Oncotarget 2016, 7(51), 85365-80
  • Assembly of the Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS Complex, the Replication Helicase
    Pospiech H, Szambowska A
    In: The Initiation of DNA Replication in Eukaryotes (edited by Daniel Kaplan) 2016, 393-409, Springer International


  • The CENP-T C-Terminus Is Exclusively Proximal to H3.1 and not to H3.2 or H3.3.
    Abendroth C, Hofmeister A, Hake SB, Kamweru PK, Miess E, Dornblut C, Küffner I, Deng W, Leonhardt H, Orthaus S, Hoischen C, Diekmann S
    Int J Mol Sci 2015, 16(3), 5839-63
  • Elevated copper ion levels as potential cause of impaired kinesin-dependent transport processes.
    Böhm KJ
    Arch Toxicol 2015, 89(4), 565-72
  • Aluminium-induced kinesin inactivation as potential molecular cause of impairment of neuronal transport processes.
    Böhm KJ, Shabanpour M, Kalchishkova N
    Chem Res Toxicol 2015, 28(6), 1275-81
  • Cell cycle dependent architecture of CENP-A containing centromeric chromatin and its regulation
    Kamweru PK
    Dissertation 2015, Jena, Germany
  • High levels of RAD51 perturb DNA replication elongation and cause unscheduled origin firing due to impaired CHK1 activation.
    Parplys AC, Seelbach JI, Becker S, Behr M, Jend C, Mansour WY, Joosse S, Stuerzbecher HW, Pospiech H, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Borgmann K
    Cell Cycle 2015, 14(19), 3190-202
  • High levels of TopBP1 induce ATR-dependent shut-down of rRNA transcription and nucleolar segregation.
    Sokka M, Rilla K, Miinalainen I, Pospiech H, Syväoja JE
    Nucleic Acids Res 2015, 43(10), 4975-89