von Eyss Research Group

Selected Publications

    Publications at FLI


    • TRPS1 maintains luminal progenitors in the mammary gland by repressing SRF/MRTF activity
      Tollot-Wegner M, Jessen M, Kim K, Sanz-Moreno A, Spielmann N, Gailus-Durner V, Fuchs H, Hrabe de Angelis M, von Eyss B
      bioRxiv 2023, 10.1101/2023.11.24.568520
    • Immunoproteasome function maintains oncogenic gene expression in KMT2A-complex driven leukemia.
      Tubío-Santamaría N, Jayavelu AK, Schnoeder TM, Eifert T, Hsu CJ, Perner F, Zhang Q, Wenge DV, Hansen FM, Kirkpatrick JM, Jyotsana N, Lane SW, von Eyss B, Deshpande AJ, Kühn MWM, Schwaller J, Cammann C, Seifert U, Ebstein F, Krüger E, Hochhaus A, Heuser M, Ori A, Mann M, Armstrong SA, Heidel FH
      Mol Cancer 2023, 22(1), 196


    • Taz protects hematopoietic stem cells from an aging-dependent decrease in PU.1 activity.
      Kim* KM, Mura-Meszaros* A, Tollot* M, Krishnan MS, Gründl M, Neubert L, Groth M, Rodriguez-Fraticelli A, Svendsen AF, Campaner S, Andreas N, Kamradt T, Hoffmann S, Camargo FD, Heidel FH, Bystrykh LV, de Haan G, von Eyss B
      Nat Commun 2022, 13(1), 5187 * equal contribution
    • PLCG1 is required for AML1-ETO leukemia stem cell self-renewal.
      Schnoeder TM, Schwarzer A, Jayavelu AK, Hsu CJ, Kirkpatrick J, Döhner K, Perner F, Eifert T, Huber N, Arreba-Tutusaus P, Dolnik A, Assi SA, Nafria M, Jiang L, Dai YT, Chen Z, Chen SJ, Kellaway SG, Ptasinska A, Ng ES, Stanley EG, Elefanty AG, Buschbeck M, Bierhoff H, Brodt S, Matziolis G, Fischer KD, Hochhaus A, Chen CW, Heidenreich O, Mann M, Lane SW, Bullinger L, Ori A, Eyss Bv, Bonifer C, Heidel F
      Blood 2022, 139(7), 1080-97


    • Genome-wide functional CRISPR-Cas9 screening reveals key roles of GOLT1A and GOLT1B in the FLI-06-mediated secretion block
      Cramer P
      Dissertation 2021, Jena, Germany
    • High Yap and Mll1 promote a persistent regenerative cell state induced by Notch signaling and loss of p53.
      Heuberger J, Grinat J, Kosel F, Liu L, Kunz S, Vidal RO, Keil M, Haybaeck J, Robine S, Louvard D, Regenbrecht C, Sporbert A, Sauer S, von Eyss B, Sigal M, Birchmeier W
      Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021, 118(22)
    • A comprehensive transcriptome signature of murine hematopoietic stem cell aging.
      Svendsen AF, Yang D, Kim KM, Lazare SS, Skinder N, Zwart E, Mura-Meszaros A, Ausema A, Eyss Bv, de Haan G, Bystrykh LV
      Blood 2021, 138(6), 439-51


    • Control mechanisms of YAP activity
      Elster D
      Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany
    • Hippo Signaling in Regeneration and Aging.
      Elster D, von Eyss B
      Mech Ageing Dev 2020, 189, 111280
    • The role of Hippo signaling in hematopoietic stem cell aging
      Mura-Mészáros A
      Dissertation 2020, Jena, Germany