Former Research Group - Wang



  • Functional Dissection of DNA Damage Response pathways in vivo
    Zhou ZW
    Dissertation 2013, Jena, Germany
  • DNA damage response in microcephaly development of MCPH1 mouse model.
    Zhou ZW, Tapias A, Bruhn C, Gruber R, Sukchev M, Wang ZQ
    DNA Repair 2013, 12(8), 645-55
  • An Essential Function for the ATR-Activation-Domain (AAD) of TopBP1 in Mouse Development and Cellular Senescence.
    Zhou* ZW, Liu* C, Li TL, Bruhn C, Krueger A, Min W, Wang** ZQ, Carr** AM
    PLoS Genet 2013, 9(8), e1003702 * equal contribution, ** co-corresponding authors


  • A novel role of human holiday junction resolvase GEN1 in the maintenance of centrosome integrity.
    Gao M, Rendtlew Danielsen J, Wei LZ, Zhou DP, Xu Q, Li MM, Wang ZQ, Tong WM, Yang YG
    PLoS One 2012, 7(11), e49687
  • Malfunctioning DNA Damage Response (DDR) Leads to the Degeneration of Nigro-Striatal Pathway in Mouse Brain.
    Kirshner M, Galron R, Frenkel D, Mandelbaum G, Shiloh Y, Wang ZQ, Barzilai A
    J Mol Neurosci 2012, 46(3), 554-68
  • Cell-type, dose, and mutation-type specificity dictate mutant p53 functions in vivo.
    Lee MK, Teoh WW, Phang BH, Tong WM, Wang ZQ, Sabapathy K
    Cancer Cell 2012, 22(6), 751-64
  • A distinct response to endogenous DNA damage in the development of Nbs1-deficient cortical neurons.
    Li R, Yang YG, Gao Y, Wang ZQ, Tong WM
    Cell Res 2012, 22(5), 859-72
  • Competition between NBS1 and ATMIN controls ATM signaling pathway choice.
    Zhang T, Penicud K, Bruhn C, Loizou JI, Kanu N, Wang ZQ, Behrens A
    Cell Rep 2012, 2(6), 1498-504
  • Differential function of NBS1 and ATR in neurogenesis.
    Zhou Z, Bruhn C, Wang ZQ
    DNA Repair 2012, 11(2), 210-21


  • Investigation of the functional link between ATM and NBS1 in the DNA damage response in the mouse cerebellum.
    Dar I, Yosha G, Elfassy R, Galron R, Wang ZQ, Shiloh Y, Barzilai A
    J Biol Chem 2011, 286(17), 15361-76