Core Facilites and Core Services

At the beginning of 2016, a “core” structure was put into effect that organized facility and service units as independent organizational entities from FLI’s research groups. A number of technology platforms (e.g. sequencing, mass spectrometry) grew out of individual methodological requirements for single research groups in the last years but developed into semiautonomous substructures. As consequence of re-focused research activities and the concomitant advent of new research groups at FLI, those units increasingly had to serve many FLI groups and collaborative research efforts in the Jena research area.

To accommodate this development and to increase efficiency as well as transparency for users, facility personnel and for administrative processes, it came natural to re-organize such activities into independent units as “FLI Core Facilities and Services” and to phase out infrastructures considered non-essential for FLI’s research focus (X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy).

FLI’s Core Facilities (CF) are managed by a CF Manager and are each scientifically guided in their activities and development by an FLI Group Leader, as Scientific Supervisor. The animal facilities comprising fish, mouse and transgenesis are run separately, as they involve a more complex organizational structure. Basic Core Services (CS) are directly led by the Head of Core (HC), who in turn is supported by individual CS Managers.

All facilities and services, including animal facilities, have a valuable contribution to FLI’s research articles; e.g. from 2016–2018, to 54% of all peer reviewed research publications. 

Overview Core Facilities and Core Services at FLI.


(since 2016)


  • Transduction and transfection of difficult-to-transfect cells: Systematic attempts for the transfection of protozoa Leishmania.
    Keller AA, Scheiding B, Breitling R, Licht A, Hemmerich P, Lorkowski S, Reissmann S
    J Cell Biochem 2019, 120(1), 14-27
  • The WT1-like transcription factor Klumpfuss maintains lineage commitment of enterocyte progenitors in the Drosophila intestine.
    Korzelius** J, Azami S, Ronnen-Oron T, Koch P, Baldauf M, Meier E, Rodriguez-Fernandez IA, Groth M, Sousa-Victor P, Jasper** H
    Nat Commun 2019, 10(1), 4123 ** co-corresponding authors
  • RNAi-Screening in Knochenbildenden Zellen.
    Kroll T, Ahmad M, Ploubidou A, Tuckermann J
    BIOspektrum 2019, 25, 523–526
  • Macaca arctoides gammaherpesvirus 1 (strain herpesvirus Macaca arctoides): virus sequence, phylogeny and characterisation of virus-transformed macaque and rabbit cell lines.
    Krumbholz A, Roempke J, Liehr T, Groth M, Meerbach A, Schacke M, Maschkowitz G, Fickenscher H, Klapper W, Sauerbrei A, Wutzler P, Zell R
    Med Microbiol Immunol 2019, 208(1), 109-29
  • Structural investigations on heme-interacting proteins = Strukturelle Untersuchung an Häm-bindenden Proteinen
    Kumar A
    Dissertation 2019, Jena, Germany
  • NMR experiments on the transient interaction of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal peptide of cystathionine-β-synthase with heme.
    Kumar A, Bellstedt P, Wiedemann C, Wißbrock A, Imhof D, Ramachandran R, Ohlenschläger O
    J Magn Reson 2019, 308, 106561
  • 1 H, 13 C, and 15 N resonance assignments of the cytokine interleukin-36β isoform-2.
    Kumar A, Wißbrock A, Bellstedt P, Lang A, Ramachandran R, Wiedemann C, Imhof D, Ohlenschläger O
    Biomol NMR Assign 2019, 13(1), 155-61
  • Memory-Like Inflammatory Responses of Microglia to Rising Doses of LPS: Key Role of PI3Kγ.
    Lajqi T, Lang GP, Haas F, Williams DL, Hudalla H, Bauer M, Groth M, Wetzker R, Bauer R
    Front Immunol 2019, 10, 2492
  • Comparison of protein quantification in a complex background by DIA and TMT workflows with fixed instrument time.
    Muntel* J, Kirkpatrick* J, Bruderer R, Huang T, Vitek O, Ori** A, Reiter** L
    J Proteome Res 2019, 18(3), 1340-51 * equal contribution, ** co-senior authors
  • Author Correction: Metastatic-niche labelling reveals parenchymal cells with stem features.
    Ombrato L, Nolan E, Kurelac I, Mavousian A, Bridgeman VL, Heinze I, Chakravarty P, Horswell S, Gonzalez-Gualda E, Matacchione G, Weston A, Kirkpatrick J, Husain E, Speirs V, Collinson L, Ori A, Lee JH, Malanchi I
    Nature 2019, 575(7784), E8