Collaborative Projects

GCRI - German Centre for Research & Innovation


Deutsche Krebshilfe - Translational Oncology

Target group: experienced scientists

Funding period: 36 months

Deadline: usually once a year (individual deadlines for letter of intent, project sketch, and final application)

Brief description: Innovative research projects in clinical cancer research and basic oncology at the interface of research and practical application. The goal is to further support collaborative translational cancer research projects at 'Interdisciplinary Oncology Centers of Excellence' and Comprehensive Cancer Centers. Applications may be submitted for a collaborative scientific project ('Verbundprojekt'), a combination of a collaborative scientific project and a clinical trial (Phase I/II) or an innovative clinical trial (Phase I/II). The projects/clinical trial must be performed at least at 3 sites and necessitate close collaboration between several research groups. At least one re-search group must be located at an 'Interdisciplinary Oncology Center of Excellence' funded by the German Cancer Aid.


Leibniz Association - Leibniz Competition Collaborative Excellence

Target group: group leaders

Funding period: up to 36 months

Deadline: once a year

Brief description: Projects that are particularly innovative, and which require collaborative networking within and outside of the Leibniz Association in order to succeed, are to be funded. Already established Leibniz topics are to be further consolidated, new fields of research explored, and collaborations in terms of developing academic sites and regions further promoted. At least two academic partners must be involved in a collaborative project; at least one of these partners must be a member of the Leibniz Association. Funding can be applied for personnel, consumables, travel expenses etc. up to 1 million Euro.


Volkswagen Foundation - Experiment - In Search of Bold Research Ideas

Target group: postdocs and group leaders

Funding period: up to 18 months

Deadline: once a year (August)

Brief description: The initiative addresses researchers who want to put a potentially transformative and risky research idea to the test. They are given the opportunity to demonstrate preliminary evidence for a concept's potential during an exploratory phase, which is limited to 18 months and up to 120.000 Euro. Innovative, cutting-edge projects at the forefront of any given field of research are not to be supported since they might be funded through other conventional funding lines. Funds can be used for personnel and non-personnel costs including the own position. It is also possible to file collaborative applications. Overheads are not covered. Funding rate about 8%.