Press Releases on Research

Press releases on research comprise news on FLI's current scientific publications or relevant research results.

Triple-negative breast cancer is a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. Here, important receptors are missing, which often serve as targets…

Naked mole-rats can live considerably longer than other rodents like mouse, rat or guinea pig. This makes them outliers among mammals, just as humans…

Rheumatoide Arthritis ist eine Volkskrankheit - und oft werden die schmerzenden Gelenke mit kortisonhaltigen Medikamenten behandelt. Dabei reichen die…

Aging is associated with an increase in frailty and age related-diseases. A calorie-restricted diet is known to alleviate these age-related…

Scientists from the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),…

In old age, humans increasingly suffer from infections. In such a case, blood stem cells that are usually inactive are activated in order to produce…

Das Allan-Herndon-Dudley-Syndrom ist eine seltene und schwerwiegende Erkrankung, von der ausschließlich Männer betroffen sind. Die Betroffenen leiden…

The genetic basis of lifespan determination is poorly understood. Most research has been done on short-lived animals, and it is unclear if these…

Welche Rolle die verschiedenen Hormone im menschlichen Körper spielen, ist noch nicht vollständig erforscht. Klar ist aber: Geraten sie aus dem…

Ageing-associated changes in gene expression follow trajectories akin to those observed in degenerative chronic diseases yet opposite to those found…