FLI News

There are more than 170 scientists doing research on the mechanisms on aging at FLI. Hence, there’s always something new to report. Moreover, members of the interested public have the opportunity to attend FLI’s research seminars.

The Leibniz Institute for Age Research – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) hosted the first event of Else Kröner-Fresenius Seminar Series on Aging on July…

During the "6th Postgraduate Symposium on Cancer Research" in Dornburg on April 26th Harald Schuhwerk, PhD student in the research group Wang, granted…

On April 26th Zhong-Wei Zhou, Postdoc in the research group Wang, received the "JIP Dissertation Award 2014" for his dissertation "Functional…

On June 3rd 2013 the Tag der Forschung (Day of Research) will take place in the University’s Rosensäle from 09:00 – 15:00 h. During this meeting, an…

On June 4th 2013, a Parliamentary Evening on the subject "Gesundheit im demografischen Wandel (Health within the demographic change)” takes place in…

The work group Press and Public Relations (AK Presse) of the Leibniz Association will meet for its spring meeting in Jena May 23-24 2013.

From March 19th to 22nd the "21th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society" took place in Freiberg.

Sven Dahms, Postdoc in the…

On March 13 2013, the President of the German Federal Parliament Norbert Lammert and Federal Research Minister Johanna Wanka opened the exhibition…

From March 6th to 7th 2013 the "19. Tage des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts 2013 - Kompetenzen entwickeln" (19th Days of math…

Under the motto „Shape the change“ the Federal Minister of Education Professor Johanna Wanka opened the "Wissenschaftsjahr 2013 - Die demografische…