FLI News

There are more than 170 scientists doing research on the mechanisms on aging at FLI. Hence, there’s always something new to report. Moreover, members of the interested public have the opportunity to attend FLI’s research seminars.

Seven FLI-Teams participated in the charity event on April 27th.

On April 24, scientists from research institutions in Jena took part in the information event about animal experiments.

The Thüringer Forschungspreis was awarded to aging researchers and their fish N. furzeri as a new animal model.

On April 13, 2018 Prof. Jaenisch spoke about stem cell research, epigenetics and gene editing.

Dr. Arne Sahm from FLI was awarded for his dissertation during the "Noble Talks" event on April 13, 2018.

On 13 April 2018, 20 trainees and trainers from Dresden visited the FLI.

On April 12 2018, FLI was represented at the March for Science event, like last year.

Prof. Alfred Nordheim, FLI's new Scientific Director, is happy about 5m € additional funding.

The "6th Long Night of Sciences", which took place in Jena on November 24th, attracted roughly 2.000 visitors to the FLI.

On November 17th, the Jenaer Bündnis für Familie, which the FLI is member of, signed a re-commitment in Jena’s City Hall.